moving from a warm climate to a cold one

Long-distance moves can sometimes take you from one climate to another. When you are moving from somewhere warm to somewhere cold, there are several things that you should consider for the move. My blog will provide you with information that will help you get through this big change with few problems. You will learn about how to pack up your things to protect them from the change in temperatures and what you should pack in your vehicle so that you have it readily accessible while you make the trip from your old home all the way to the new one.

Office Relocation: Four Unexpected Services Your Moving Company Can Provide


Relocating your business to a larger office facility is an exciting prospect, but coordinating the move can seem stressful at first. Hiring a commercial moving service can provide you with a few unexpected benefits. As you look for a moving company to help you with your transition, ask about the following services that can make your move a seamless, stress-free experience.

Document Management And Storage

Many moving companies offer document management and storage. This makes it easy to move to your new office without having to find a space to store all of your old files and documents. You can opt for a document storage area that keeps all of your old client files stored neatly off-site. Your moving company can also arrange for document shredding, so you can properly dispose of documentation you no longer need.

E-Recycling And Electronics Storage

Chances are, your old office will have some electronic devices that are outdated, broken or are no longer needed in your new facility. Your commercial moving company can recycle the devices for you, so you don't have to worry about bringing them to your new location. You may also be able to rent a storage unit from the moving company in case you want to keep some of these devices as a backup in the event that your existing electronics break down in the future.

Office Furniture Setup

Whether you need to have cubicles built or office furniture assembled at your new location, your commercial moving service can help you set up all of your office furnishings. You can be on-site to help direct the construction of the equipment and furniture, or you can hire a moving consultant from the moving company who can oversee the setup of all your office items. If you end up with unwanted furniture from your old location, you can have it stored off-site or disposed of for you.

Electronics Setup

Your commercial moving company may also be able to set up your phone system, connect your computers and install wall-mounted display monitors for you. This prevents you from having to hire a contractor to handle all these small details, and it means that your office will be fully functional at the end of your move. Your moving company may also be able to set up your data center or server storage rooms, which means your IT department will be ready to get to work right away as well.

For more information, contact Father & Son Moving & Storage or a similar company.


13 January 2016